Privacy Policy
Google Third-Party Tracking
SummitWest Environmental uses retargeting services via Google Analytics and Google AdWords to display advertisements to users who have previously visited our site on third party web sites. Vendors such as Google utilize tracking cookies to collect session information about your visit to our site. Aggregated user data may then be used to display ads to you as part of a group of users with similar onsite behavior.
SummitWest Environmental also uses Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting and Google Display Network Impression Reporting to display advertisements to users. No personally identifiable user information is collected or tracked for the purposes of retargeting or interest-based advertising or reporting.
For more information on the Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page. You can opt out or customize Google tracking and ad settings on the Google Ads Setting page. Finally, you can also install Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on for your web browser to prevent data collection and/or use by Google.