City of Springfield
Urban Growth Boundary Expansion
SummitWest performed a Local Wetlands Inventory, a Riparian Corridor Assessment, and a wildlife habitat assessment to address the requirements of Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 5 within the City of Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary Expansion areas.
SummitWest was commissioned by the City of Springfield to conduct sophisticated surveys necessary to support an Urban Growth Boundary expansion. These surveys included a complex field and GIS based Local Wetlands Inventory with Jurisdictional Delineation, a Riparian Corridor Assessment, and a wildlife habitat assessment. SummitWest analyses fueled the writing of three comprehensive technical reports aimed at ascertaining the levels of protection offered to natural resources within the Urban Growth Boundary Expansion Area by alternative approaches to Oregon State Goal 5 inventories. In order to successfully achieve the project aims, SummitWest spearheaded coordination between a variety of stakeholders including partner firm Terra Science, the City of Springfield, the Oregon Department of State Lands, the Lane Council of Governments, and private landowners.
Project Highlights
Client: City of Springfield
Date: 2020-current
Location: Springfield, OR
Size: 792.15 acres
Services Provided
Environmental Program Management
Project Database Management
Wetland and Jurisdictional Waters Delineation
Mapping of Wetlands and Riparian Corridors
Sensitive Species Inventories and Desktop Reviews
Study Design and GIS Analysis
Water Resource Mapping (GIS)
Habitat Assessments and Survey
Technical Report and Environmental Document Preparation
Resource Agency Coordination
Coordination with Multiple Stakeholders