SummitWest can navigate tough environmental laws and get your project permitted and kept in compliance from outset to completion. Our services include project management, land planning, CEQA/NEPA permitting, field surveys, endangered species consultation, resource monitoring, GIS mapping services, and drone services. We partner with people and organizations to ensure our natural resources and habitats are protected, while still accommodating growth and development.
SummitWest navigates complex environmental regulations and coordinates with governing agencies to determine your permitting needs and guarantee your projects are compliant.
- Wetland Delineations and Permitting
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) / National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Land Use Planning
- Climate Change
CEQA Services
At its core, every permitting project revolves around risk assessment. Our permitting experts start by pinpointing these risks, reviewing CEQA / NEPA environmental documents, conducting precise impact assessments, and formulating efficient mitigation strategies, saving valuable time and alleviating potential challenges and headaches along the way.
- Categorical Exemptions (CATEX)
- Environmental Assessments (EA)
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- Negative Declarations (ND)
- Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations (IS/MND)
- Environmental Impact Reports (EIS)
- Federal Clean Water Act and Aquatic Resources
Biological Surveys & Resource Monitoring
We specialize in special status plant and animal surveys, habitat assessments, and construction monitoring. Our qualified team of permitted biologists and wetland scientists will map, model, or monitor any natural resource required to achieve environmental compliance.
- Project pre-planning
- Desktop reviews and reports
- Biological surveys
- Endangered species surveys
- Botanical surveys
- Construction compliance & biological monitoring
- Mitigation & restoration
- Fairy Shrimp Surveys
Habitat Mitigation & Restoration
SummitWest is well versed in habitat mitigation and restoration. We offer planning, implementation, and project management to successfully restore a wide range of habitat types from wetland to desert and coastal to montane.
- Mitigation Site Design
- Restoration Planning and Monitoring Study Designs
- Implementation of Restoration Plans
- Weed Control Mitigation
- Mitigation and Restoration Summary Reports
Environmental Program Management
SummitWest has a unique focus on logistics and project management. With dedicated project managers, environmental coordinators and schedulers, and a full time safety officer, we provide full service project management to support environmental projects of all sizes.
- Program Management, Development, Implementation
- Program Coordination and Scheduling
- Project Database Management
- Technical Report and Environmental Document Preparation
- QA/QC and Document Peer Review for Third Parties
- Worker Safety Training and Compliance
Geographic Information Services
SummitWest provides the GIS, remote sensing, and drone services necessary to provide high resolution natural resource maps and reports.
- GIS Analysis
- GIS Design and Implementation
- Database Creation and Analysis
- Spatial Analysis and Impact Assessment
- Sub-meter GPS Mapping
- ArcGIS Geodatabases
- Climate Refugia Analysis
- Natural resource mapping
- Water resource mapping
- Site and Habitat Assessments
- Drone Imagery Services
SummitWest’s Cultural Resources Department offers surveys, monitoring, tribal consultations, BLM lands access, and various cultural specific reports. Our team is versed in the numerous permits required, such as Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) Permit and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Compliance (Section 106 Process). We offer Historic and Prehistoric Archaeological services and Osteological services.
Archaeological Services
- Phase I (Survey), Phase II (Evaluation), and Phase III (Mitigation/Excavation) investigations
- Section 106 compliance under the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
- Cultural resource surveys, monitoring, and data recovery
- Artifact analysis
- GIS-based site documentatio
Stormwater (SWPPP)
Our Stormwater Department specializes in helping construction projects meet environmental regulations while minimizing water pollution risks. We provide expert compliance solutions to keep projects on schedule and in full regulatory alignment. We have both Qualified Stormwater Developer (QSD) and Qualified Stormwater Practitioner (QSP) on staff.
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Development & Permitting
- Erosion & Sediment Control Planning (including BMPs)
- Compliance Monitoring & Inspections (routine and storm event-driven)
- Training for construction crews
- Consulting for compliance strategies
land use planning
SummitWest offers expert Land Use Planning Services in the areas of natural resource management and environmental planning, such as forestry, waters, sustainable development, climate change and endangered species.
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Regulatory Compliance
- Sustainability Planning
- Environmental Resource Management
- Stakeholder Engagement
SummitWest provides comprehensive solutions for wetland permitting and compliance; our team of experts have more than 50+ years of combined experience conducting wetlands assessments, wetland delineations and jurisdictional determinations throughout California and the Western USA.
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
- Federal Endangered Species Act (FESA) Biological Assessments and Compliance
- Threatened and Endangered Species Section 10(A) Recovery Permits
- USFWS Consultation and Coordination
- Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plans